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Minotaur Callbacks

Thank you very much for coming out to audition for Minotaur! We are thrilled to be calling you back.

***You may have been called back for more than one part, so please check every part and every time for your name.***

Please be in the Loeb Studio on Saturday (we will be working on pairings) and on Sunday (we will be working on group dynamics). Each actor is called for a specific set of times, so please see the details under your assigned character. On Sunday, you will not be acting for the entire duration of your block, so you are welcome to bring something to do while waiting.

During the rehearsal process, we will work as a creative ensemble, devising the play collaboratively. Therefore, a working version of the script will be emailed to you separately. Please be advised that it contains strong language, sexual content, and physical violence.

We would like to emphasize that this show will entail a substantial time commitment and will be emotionally and physically demanding (but extremely enjoyable, profound, and rewarding!). If you have any questions, concerns, or callback scheduling conflicts, please reach out to producer Laura Frustaci ([email protected]). She will be more than happy to chat with you and rework any callback times if necessary.

Looking forward to working with you again!

All the best,

The Minotaur Team

  • Jacob Licht
  • Johannes Lang
  • Jake Corvino
  • Henry Brooks
  • Janiah Lockett
  • Ece Hakim
  • Celia Kenney
  • Liv Weinstein
  • Molly Peterson
  • Mason Sands
  • Yash Kumbhat
  • Freddie MacBruce
  • Luke Martinez
  • Haydn Bradstreet
  • Aidan Gibbons
  • Jacob Licht
  • Jonathan Castillo
  • Henry Brooks

Please email [email protected] with any questions.